Define Motivation…then Redefine it


Define it.

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It all begins with how you see yourself. To define your training success how do you see all phases in your training plan playing out? Is you plan detailed or cloudy in some areas? Knowing what defines your mindful personal training success creates a black and white approach. If you create changing definitions then you can give yourself excuses along the way. Keep your definition absolute and any doubt within your training mind will be vanquished.

Understand it.


You have and will fail. Understanding your current health situation will keep you honest. Recognize that effective training is physically uncomfortable. This includes the intensity of training your body with internal and external weight. Your understanding of what is expected in your training will make your progressive goals easier to achieve. Finally, understand that it is never easy. Shortcuts are just lazy, inefficient, and counterproductive. Any trend that you chase is just one that goes in circles.

Redefine it.


Just when you defined real training, be aware that you may need to redefine it. Redefine when you need to train harder, need more rest, or your training style. You need to evolve as your training progresses. Sometimes what may look uncomfortable to try may be an exercise your body craves. To redefine is not changing your training approach it is evolving from a sound foundation.