Determination, not everyone has it

It is a look, or how the eye focuses at the task at hand. Determination should never be confused with motivation. When you define your health, define the motivation, it will naturally progress to determination. Your determination is not something you can read about or get the most likes when announcing your fitness intentions. Your determination is what gets you through some of the toughest mental challenges you will ever face alone.


The determination of being physically fit is not a daily process. That is impossible to keep up with. However, determination will be there when you need it most. Granted, only if you have discovered that your determination is unique and powerful enough to get you through. You know when you have honed your skill of determination when the sudden burst of energy and awareness is present. When you cannot run any farther, the weight feels a little bit heavier than yesterday, or your energy levels are so low that caffeine can’t fix it, determination has to show up. That’s only if you have it.